SEND - Ambition and Access in Maths - Gray's Farm Primary Academy

SEND - Ambition and Access in Maths

Ambition – What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? 

Access – What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SENs to achieve?

  • Work is adapted to individual children's needs. However, in order not to cap their learning, there is always more challanging extension activities.

  • Children can ‘choose their challenge’ in order not to cap their learning. Teachers provide a range of challenges and can offer guidance however ultimately all children have access to all levels of work.

  • Specialist SEN group for Maths - the objectives for these children are taken from the curriculum and broken down into smaller steps so that the child can achieve their potential.

  • SEN children are exposed to the same range of maths including shape, statistics and time. We do not assume that children who may need extra support in number will also need it in shape.

  • Specialist SEN group for Maths - JH has a group of KS2 children who require a specialist curriculum to allow them to progress. Planning for these children is done by the maths coordinator.

  • A spiral curriculum via MMM,  Can You Still and starters, revisits and revises the areas that underpin number and place value. This will give children with SEN more time and opportunities to understand the concepts and vital knowledge they need to access the learning in other areas of maths. 

  • Pre/post learning interventions are used to allow children to access the main teaching session.

  • Pictorial and Concrete methods are available to all and support for teachers on how to use these are found on the calculation policies to support the different learning styles.

  • Working Walls provide visual and procedural reminders for children to refer to. 

  • Procedural lists with pictures for methods with multiple steps e.g. ‘make, take, count’