This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 8th July - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: July 8th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 8th July


Week Beginning: 8th July 2024


This week in Nursery is Keeping Healthy, we will be discussing ways to look after our health and show an understanding of good practice with regards to exercise,eating, sleeping and hygiene.

For maths we will be sorting food, counting our teeth, as well as exploring  volume and capacity.


This week in Reception Class we will be exploring medieval times. The children will be using their knowledge and imagination to make castles with drawbridges and moats. We shall be revisiting children's old favorite stories e.g. Princess and the Pea,  Zog, Rapunzle, Dungeons and Dragons, and use this to form part of our writing.. 

In maths we will be looking at early division, using manipulatives to embed our learning.


This week in English, Year 1 will be using the story of The Shoemaker to sequence the story and write descriptive emotions.  In Maths, we will be adding and subtracting using coins.  Please remember to sign your reading records every day.  PE days are Monday and Tuesday.


Year 2 are revisiting the 'when' conjunction in our writing. In Maths, we are learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock (o'clock / half past / quarter past / quarter to). In Science, we are discussing healthy and balanced food choices and in RE we are comparing all the 6 major religions' birth ceremonies.


This week in Year 3 we will be finishing our writing based on 'Spy Fox' where we have been retelling a story. In Science we will be investigating how mangets move across different surfaces and will be finding out how magnets affect animals as well. 


Maths: We are re-visiting some areas of maths that we still find tricky or we haven't looked at in a while. This includes using the inverse to answer missing number calculations, angles and scaling problems. 

English: We are looking at using powerful language this week and fine-tuning some of our Year 4 skills ready for Year 5, including fronted adverbials, subordinating clauses and expanded noun phrases. 


This week in Year 5, we will be revisiting angles in maths. We will be calculating angles on a straight line, around a point and then measuring them accurately with protractors. In English, we will be writing a non-fiction text around a topic of their choosing. In science, we will be looking at the relationship between the Moon and the Earth. Finally, in history, we will be looking at the standards of education during the Victorian period.


This week, we will be writing letters to the current year fives telling them all about life in year six. Hopefully, we won't scare them off too much! We have our second trip on Thursday, which is to Bexleyheath for some fun Bowling. 



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