This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 17th June - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: June 14th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 17th June


Week Beginning: 17th June 2024


This week in Nursery our theme is under the sea/Pirates. We will be reading the book Pirates love underpants. Will be extending this by encouraging the children use their imagination and knowledge to create an alternative ending for the story.

In Maths we will be creating patterns (ABBABB) and continuing to count to 10 and beyond. 


In Reception Class this week we shall be exploring pirates and what lurks beneath the sea. Children will be exploring stories about pirates and using their phonic knowledge to write about  them. Our pirate theme will finish with a Pirate dress up Day on the 20th June. Details already sent out.

In maths we will be revising 2D and 3D shapes (shapes within shapes as well)

Please see the board outside the Reception Class outdoor area for more information.


This week year 1 are starting the book The Queens Hat, and looking at the different landmarks in London the Queen's hat flies over and past! 

In maths we will be sharing equal amounts. We have started learning basic French as well, which the children are enjoying!


Year 2 will be multiplying and dividing using arrays in our Maths. In English, we are continuing our writing about our book 'Tell me a dragon'. In Science we are learning about the importance of hand washing and in History, we are looking at the people who lived in Eltham Palace. 


This week in year three we will be continuing with our book Space Band and holding a debate about what we think the band should do next! In maths we will be focusing on word problems for the four operations. 


This week in English, we will be linking our learning to GRT month and writing a story about Polonius, the pit pony, while focusing on our speech punctuation skills.  

This week in Maths, we will recapping on converting between analogue and digital time and finding fractions of amounts. 


This week in year 5 we are continuing applying our arithmetic and place value knowledge to solve real life problems in maths. Paragraphs and cohesive devices remain a focus in our writing.  In history, we will be using a number of sources to make reasoned judgments about Queen Victoria. 


Next week is a busy week in year six. We will be starting the rehearsals for our year six production. In addition to this, some children will be attending  First Aid training, where they will learn the basic skills. Please don't be alarmed if your child comes home with a sling or a bandage around their leg!  In English we will be writing descriptive settings around a short video clip - The Lighthouse. Whilst in science, we will be identifying the effect that physical exercise has on our heart beat. 



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