This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 16th September - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 13th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 16th September


Week Beginning: 16th September 2024


This week in nursery we will be reading the book “The Old Woman who lived in a shoe”  then we will encourage the children to retell the story using props and sequencing pictures.

In maths we will be looking at size order and matching patterns.


We are so impressed with how the children have settled into our Reception Classes and thank you for your support.

This week we will be focusing on our school environment. We will be visiting all the areas within school to familiarise ourselves with our new environment..

Our topic this week is based around the story of the Colour Monster, it is about different characters that have different feelings, this will be used to support the children with their own feelings and help them to understand how they can begin to manage them. In maths we shall be looking at numbers 1 to 3 and what these numbers  are made up off.


This week, in English, Year 1 will be writing a wanted poster for the Leaf Thief, writing main clauses.  In Maths this week, Year 1 will be working on tens and ones using various manipulatives.  Please ensure the reading records are signed every day and brought into school every day.  Thank you.    This week, in English, Year 1 will be writing a wanted poster for the Leaf Thief, writing main clauses.  In Maths this week, Year 1 will be working on tens and ones using various manipulatives.  Please ensure the reading records are signed every day and brought into school every day.  Thank you.       


Year 2 will be solving addition number sentences in Maths. In English, we are moving on to a new book called 'Grandad's Island'. In Science, we will be going on a minibeast hunt and in Geography, we are continuing to look at different weathers around the world.


This week in English, Year 3 are going to be reading poems to help us practice using the subordinate conjunctions "if" and "because". In maths, we will be continuing with our calculations learning, consolidating our understanding of the column method for addition and learning the column method for subtraction. In geography, we are going to be comparing Google maps and an OS map to find out information about our local area and deciding which is more useful. In science, we will continue learning about forces.


In year four we are moving on from addition to subtraction.  We'll be seeing how many ways we remember to subtract and seeing if we can learn some more to add to our repertoire.   In science we are classifying animals into different groups using classification keys.  For Geography we are looking at the invisible lines around the Earth that define climate zones while in Computing we continue to look at digital manipulation.


This week in Year 5, we will be revisiting main clauses and conjunctions in English. We will be revising the difference between subordinate and coordinate conjunctions, taking care to include the appropriate punctuation. In maths, we will be learning how to use column multiplication, starting with multiplying by 1-digit numbers. In Geography, we will be identifying time zones. In science, we will be learning about the life cycles of mammals and comparing them to amphibians, insects and birds.


This week, we will be continuing to explore the main character's emotions in our book The Red Tree. In maths, we will be developing our arithmetic skills and our understanding of place value. During our PSHE sessions, we will be looking at the impact social media can have on a person. JLT interviews will begin today. 

Duck update - the ducks have settled in well and are enjoying their 'pond'. 



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