This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 30th September - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 30th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 30th September


Week Beginning: 30th September 2024


This week in Nursery our topic will be Autumn and we will be exploring our out door natural environment and observing the change in colour of the leaves and collecting objects to use in our creative activities. 

Our book for this week is The leaf Man and for  maths we will be continuing singing number songs and rhymes. 


This week  in Reception Class the children will be learning about parts of the body and how it works.  Firstly, we are exploring teeth and will be having  discussions on what we need to do to keep our teeth and gums healthy. In maths we shall be exploring the number 5 - how to write it and how to build it with objects. We shall also be revisiting numbers 1 to 4.

As we begin to move into different phonic groupings please ensure you use the packs that were sent home with your child to practice their sounds. 


This week, in Maths, Year 1 will be adding and subtracting single digit amounts.  In English, we will be writing about space and describing an alien using adjectives.  Our Science activities will be linked to animals that hibernate.  Please remember to sign your child's reading record every day and phonics books need changing on Thursday,  Thank you for your continued support. PE days are Monday and Thursday.  


Year 2 will be moving on to multiplication and drawing arrays to represent this. In English, we are moving on to a new book called 'The man on the moon' and we will be looking at the conjunction 'but'. In Science, we will be looking different types habitats.


This week in Year 3, we will be practising our use of past tense verbs and using them to write in the role of a character. In maths, we are continuing with multiplication before moving to division. We are trying very hard to learn our times table facts to help us. In science, we will be creating a glossary for a nonfiction book about forces.


In Geography year 4 are continuing our excellent learning about climate zones, including what animals and plants live where in the world.  We are also busy learning to classify different types of animals (ask us about MR FAB) in Science.  With Maths, we are now going to move onto division; this will conclude our recap on the four operations that we've been looking at since we've come back from the summer holiday.  In English we are continuing to look at our book 'The Comet', this week the focus will be on adverbs.  Sycamore and Yew have a competition running on Times Tables RockStars that ends on 6th October...which class will win the 'battle of the bands'?


In Year 5, we are looking at Geometry including different 2D and 3D shapes and making flow diagrams to sort and identify shapes. For English, we are starting a new book called 'Lights on Cotton Rock' and we will be using verbs and adverbs. In our curriculum subjects, we are identifying the parts of a flowering part in Science, we are learning how to use a compass in Geography and learning how to make images using shapes in Google Drawing during our Computing lesson. 


This week,  we will be writing a short letter from our lovely Donald explaining why he should be everyone's favourite duck. The focus of this piece of writing will need to be expanded noun phrases. In addition to this, we will be writing an email to our friend inviting them to take part in the Four Peak Mountain challenge. We will be looking at the different types of punctuation that we can include - commas, brackets, dashes, exclamations marks and developing our understanding of how to use each one appropriately. The email information relates to our learning in  geography on the highest mountains in the UK.




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