This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 14th October - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 14th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 14th October


Week Beginning: 14th October 2024


This week in the nursery we will be reading the story " Owl Babies"  and  discussing feelings,we will be asking  the children to think how the Owl Babies might be feeling.

In maths the children will be doing activities involving size order and continuing to count to 5 and beyond.

On Thursday we are hoping to explore our natural outdoor area (weather permitting), so please could we ask that all children bring in wellie boots in a named carrier bag.  


This week in Reception we are exploring the significant seasonal changes. It will be an opportunity to nurture children's inquisitive nature and teach them about what happens during autumn. In maths we will be working on number bonds within 5 eg 3 conkers and 1 conker makes 4, 2 leaves and 1 leaf makes 3.

Please ensure that you continue to support your child with their sounds and blending, we can really see a difference in class as they are beginning to use these sounds in their writing.

Also, don't forget to return your Christmas card orders to school by Wednesday 16th October (this week) if you want to order some.


This week in english, Year 1 will be writing about superheroes and designing their own superhero and explaining their super powers using adjectives.  In maths this week,we will be using our superhero powers to count in 2s and calculating our number bonds up to 10.  Please remember to sign your child's reading record - thank you.  PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.


This week in Year 3 we will be revisiting all of our learning in maths and practising solving word problems using all four operations. In English, we will be writing our own stories. Most exciting of all, we will be making our very own moving pictures in DT! 


This week in Year 3, we are using our calculation skills to solve a variety of real-life problems in our maths lessons. In English, we are writing our own version of our class book 'The Pirates Next Door.' We are looking forward to reading about the fairies, mermaids, footballers etc that moved in next door to some of our children. 


In year 4 we have been preparing our DT project.  Please can children bring in a small cardboard box (cereal or tissue box etc) on Monday, so that we can assemble our marvelous, moving, machines.  We are finishing off our various topics in Geography, Science, Computing.  We are looking forward to parents evening and a last surge of enthusiasm to take us into a well deserved half term!  


It is the last week of our first term in Year 5! We are looking forward to telling you all about the children's hard work at Parents' evening. 

In Maths this week, we are addressing some of the misconceptions we identified in our recent test papers: missing number problems, square numbers and word problems. For English, we are finishing our story 'Lights on Cotton Rock', focusing on fronted adverbials for manner. We have our DT day on Thursday so please bring in any small recycling cardboard boxes you have spare. Then Friday is the last day of term! Have a lovely half term. 


This week in year 6, we will be writing a non-chronological report about ducks. We will be using present tense and form language while considering our sentence openers. In DT we will be creating a toy that has moving parts



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