ACE Programme

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What is TKAT ACE?

At Gray’s Farm we are very lucky to have embedded a TKAT wide initiative called ACE - A Champion for Every Child. The aim of ACE is to provide support and opportunities for children in our school who receive Pupil Premium funding by allocating an adult who meets them regularly in school to support and challenge them to realise their potential; share their achievements and help them overcome any barriers that they may have. 

Part of the ACE programme involves ACE tutors having regular contact with all participating families; to discuss how ACE is going and to share their child’s achievements. If you feel something is going really well at school or if you feel your child would benefit from something or feel there are areas which could be improved - your child’s allocated ACE tutor will be the right person to talk to!  

Meet the ACE team

Our ACE Tutors are all members of staff who already work with your children. They are trusted adults, who your child knows well. 




Mrs Appleton
Deputy Head & ACE Lead

I am super proud of the ACE programme we provide at Gray’s Farm. Having an adult to champion you and share your proud moments with is amazing - I often see children asking their ACE Tutor when their next session is or excited to share what they have been doing. It is great seeing the children achieve their targets, growing in confidence and being the best versions of themselves. Likewise, hearing from our families, the positive impact ACE has, makes it all worthwhile. As Rita Pierson once said: `Every Kid Needs a Champion…never underestimate the critical role of positive relationships between teachers and students in fostering academic and personal success.’ This is exactly what ACE is at Gray’s Farm!




Mrs Adam
Lead ACE Tutor


I love being an ACE Tutor!
I love that our children have an adult they can share their news with - whether it be to celebrate something (a new baby sibling, been in school a whole week without being late) or that something is bothering them (behaviour, friendship, family issue). Being met in the playground and them rushing up to tell me something makes me burst with pride!




Ms Bellenie
Lead ACE Tutor

For me, ACE is all about giving our children a voice - sometimes, especially for the younger children they struggle to express themselves and their emotions - ACE allows them to consider their thoughts and feelings, and gives them time to reflect whilst also offering them solutions to overcome barriers they may have. My favourite part of being ACE is celebrating with them and seeing the pride in their own personal achievements - watching them grow in confidence and apply the skills we have discussed makes it all worthwhile. Having open channels of communication with the families and them knowing that I will help in any way I can makes ACE even more rewarding. 




Mrs Hemmington
Lead ACE Tutor


I have been part of the ACE programme since it first launched at Gray’s Farm in 2021. I have seen ACE help many of our children for a variety of reasons and for me, the ability to help the children find solutions to problems or situations that they may have is at the heart of ACE - without which we may never have known about if they hadn’t been given a voice. As an ACE tutor, we are able to open channels of communication between us and other staff members, acting as the voice for our children, especially for children who may not always feel confident enough to share. 




Mrs Williams
Lead ACE Tutor


I love how Ace supports children of all ages.  I am truly honoured to be an Ace Tutor and it is wonderful to enjoy the proud moments that my tutees experience.  I know that I can be a listening ear and be supportive to those pupils when they need it too.  We can work through issues together to encourage conversation and dilemma solving. Being a mentor for them is a very rewarding experience.


IMG 0864Through the ACE project, the ACE Tutors will meet regularly with participating pupils on a 1:1 and small group basis, where they will use games, activities and different resources to:

  • Support and challenge them
  • Help them to realise their potential and discuss aspirations
  • Discuss any barriers that they may have
  • Help them to achieve their goals
  • Share and celebrate their achievements
  • Support with emotional or social needs
  • Support if a sudden event occurs - for example, a bereavement
  • Building strong relationships and acting as a point of contact for families - working together to support them on their journey to a successful future. 

‘At Gray’s Farm Primary Academy, I was particularly encouraged by the ways in which system leaders have embedded the ACE programme and used this develop staff and leaWebsite ACE photo Ad impact in the lives of the children. In one instance, I witnessed a young girl being given life skills following trauma only the day before. It was inspirational and humbling in equal measure.’  S. Harris (Director of PLACE @ Tees Valley Education)

‘We marvelled at the leadership’s enthusiasm for the programme, the deep knowledge of the pupils and the total commitment and responsiveness of the Tutors. No wonder ACE Works so well at Gray’s Farm.’ D. Linsell (TKAT)

‘I think the programme is amazing, it has helped our child and our family untold amounts. An excellent programme that I hope will continue for many years to come. ‘

‘Our daughter has come a long way with Ace. It has helped her massively. I've really noticed the difference in her.’

‘Mrs Hemmington has been amazing support, and as a family we are so grateful for all she has done for our child. She's an asset to the school.’

**All comments taken from Parent ACE Survey completed July 2024**

ACE helps me feel confident, gives me somebody to talk to and makes me want to come into school. NH

ACE helps me with my well-being and my attendance. KEWebsite ACE photo B

My ACE tutor helps me to feel calm and express my feelings. She helps me to overcome any problems I might have. GA-R

ACE helps me if I am feeling sad. We do lots of different activities. When I talk through things, it helps me to feel safe. IR

ACE allows you to be your true-self without judgement, where your feelings do matter. We talk about things, reflect on situations, share things I am proud of and set goals for me to achieve. HB-S

Website ACE photo C‘Children have someone outside of the classroom who is championing them, building up their self esteem and who they can go to if they are upset or worried. It also gives classroom teachers and parents another adult who can encourage the child with areas that are being focused on at home or in the classroom. It’s great!’

‘Through ACE at Gray’s Farm, attendance is improving, better relationships are built with children, children are striving for success.’

‘Children are supported within their ACE sessions to break down barriers and achieve the best they can socially, emotionally and academically. Children love it and staff feel like they are making a difference.’

‘The ACE programme at Gray’s has made such a difference to not only the children of Gray’s Farm but also the overall atmosphere in the school due to the positive impact it has made.’

If you would like to know more about the ACE programme at Gray’s Farm Primary Academy, please contact our ACE Lead, Mrs Appleton (Deputy Head).