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Local Governance
Gray’s Farm Primary Academy is part of The Kemnal Academies Trust [TKAT]
TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010. Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation. TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.
The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.
Please click HERE to facilitate a link to the Directors of the TKAT Board
For information about governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests. please CLICK HERE
Please click HERE to facilitate a link to the Scheme of Delegation.
Please click HERE for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.
Local Governing Body Annual Impact Report 2023 - 2024
To see the full constitution document CLICK HERE
Governor Type | Number |
Headteacher | 2 |
Staff Governors | 1 |
Parent Governors | 2 |
Appointed Governors | 6 |
Total | 11 |
Name | Position |
Sarah Madden
Contact details: sarah.madden@graysfarm-tkat.org |
Chair of Governing Body |
Kate Osborne |
Headteacher - Gray's Farm (Ex Officio) |
Robert Bradley |
Headteacher - Gray's Farm (Ex Officio) |
Daniel Momoh |
Appointed Governor |
Claire Appleton |
Staff Governor |
Daniel Barham |
Parent Governor |
Nicola Burgess | Parent Governor |
Carol Thomas |
Clerk to the Governors |
Responsibility | Governor |
Chair of Governors | Daniel Momoh |
Finance, Teaching & Learning | TBC |
Safeguarding | Caroline Leroi |
Attendance | Daniel Momoh |
Pupil Premium & ACE | TBC |
Health & Safety | TBC |
Formal meetings of the Local Governing Body are currently held on a monthly basis and have followed on from the pattern inherited by the IEB. All business is undertaken at these meetings but there is an unequivocal focus on the core business of the school namely: raising expectations through high quality teaching and learning and accelerating pupil progress thereby raising overall levels of attainment. The key function of the LGB is to:
Ensure that there is a clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction for Gray’s Farm
Hold the Headteacher to account for the further improvement required for pupils progress and attainment
Ensure that the school’s money is well spent and financial systems and procedures are secure