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This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 13th January
Week beginning: 14th January
Welcome back and what a lovely start to the term, our new children have all settled really well and we are very proud of how well our existing children have been helping them and are great roll models.
Our theme this week is space and in our roll play area will be getting the children to create a space station to further help develop their imagination and language skills.
I’m maths we will be look at numbers 1-5 and positional language ( up, down, on top ,behind) and our story of the week is “ whatever next!”
This week in Reception Class we are going to be looking at Light and Dark and exploring what is space? What planets are in the solar system and what astronauts do? This will be supported by our visit from the Space science dome on 17th January. In maths we shall be revising number bonds to and within 5 eg 2 and 3, 4 and 1 etc. Please ensure you continue to read either the blending books or the Ditty sheets your child will be coming home with.
Year 1
This week, in English, we will be using the book Katie in London to write about London using main clauses and conjunctions and/because. In Maths, we will be working on multiplication and division, grouping objects and using repeated addition. Please remember to read with your child everyday and sign the Reading Record. PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday, Thank you for your continued support.
Year 2
Year 2 will be moving on to multiplication and divide in maths. In English, we will be writing a fact file on a wombat from our book 'Wombat goes walkabout'. In Science, we will be continuing to look at materials from our new topic 'Why do material matter?'.
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we are using prepositions and learning how to improve our sentence openers in English. We will be showcasing our learning by retelling the story, 'The Little Shopkeeper'. In maths, we are focusing on our calculation skills, solving real-life problems that use all four operations. In science we will be continuing learning about rocks and soils and we will be making comparisons between a European country and our local area here in England.
Year 4
Wow! What a fantastic first week back we have had! The children have thrown themselves into their learning. We are still looking for two more parents to come to the library with Sycamore, please talk to Mrs Paris or the office if you can help. Also we have another DT project coming up - so can children please bring in a cardboard box, no bigger than A4 paper size please. We are not using them for a couple of weeks but if you can get them in soon, then the teacher will know how many boxes of T-bags and cereal we need to consume in the last week!
Year 5
In Maths, Miss Gillies' group, we are revisiting some of our calculation strategies for addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will also be learning how to multiply by a 2-digit number. Mrs Gold's group are continuing their work on place value. Mrs Gold & Mrs Adam’s group are exploring place value to 2decimal places. We’ll be comparing and order numbers to solve problems with money too!
For English, we are continuing to use 'The Lighthouse' as our writing stimulus and we are starting to look at sequencing and emotions to help us write diary entries.
Year 6
This week, we will be continuing our exploration of the countries that make up the continent South America. We will be looking at the similarities and differences in the climate across South America and comparing this to the UK. Our science topic is all about electricity. We will be identifying what the different components are used for and how they are represented by symbols. During RSHE, we will be discussing different types of relationships.