This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 20th January


Week beginning: 20th January


This week we will be continuing with our theme “space “ as the children have really been engaged and enjoyed making their own rocket for nursery.

The children will be making sandwiches this week and with adult help (where needed )will be cutting them in half and half again and counting how many pieces they now have.

Our story for the week is “look up” about a little girl called Rocket who is going to be the greatest astronaut and star catcher that has ever lived!



Year 1

This week, in Maths, Year 1 will be solving number sentences and word problems using the operations add and subtract. In English, Year 1 will be using the Welsh story of the red and white dragons, linked to our Geography topic, to role play the story, sequence the story and retell the story.  Please remember that Reading Records need to be in school, everyday, and signed by an adult everyday.  Phonics books need to be in school every Thursday so they can be changed. PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thank you for your continued support.

Year 2

Year 2 will be moving on to addition and subtraction in maths. In English, we will be writing a prediction on our book 'Wombat goes walkabout'. In Science, we will be investigating how some solid objects can have their shape changed.

Year 3

This week in Year 3, we are using prepositions and learning how to create suspense by using short sentences. In maths, we are focusing on the grid method of multiplication and using grouping for division. We will be applying these skills to real-life problems.  In Science, we are looking more closely at rock formations.

Year 4

We are still looking for a couple of adults to come to the library in the afternoon session.  Please do let us know if you can make it.  The walk is not too far we promise ! Thank you.

We are moving swiftly through our topics now.  Thankfully no-one has been been given a 1980's perm by our work on electricity and circuits.  Some lovely discussions have been had around the topic of dares in PSHE.  We had some lovely play acting around how to say you can imagine, some children were very polite and apologetic about it and others a little more direct!  Indoor P.E. is around the topic of dance, but it is a process that builds week by week.  Everyone seems to be enjoying it.  We've had a big launch of Times Tables Rock Stars, all children have their TTRS login details.  Please do practise times table as much as you can for the next couple of months.  

Year 5

In English this week, we are looking at a great book about a female shark scientist. We are looking at using emotive language to write diary entries that are full of the character's feelings and desires. 

In Miss Gillies' Maths, the children are exploring division in lots of different contexts, including dividing amounts of money. In Mrs Gold and Mrs Adam's set we are looking at column addition and subtraction.

Year 6

This week, we are looking at the difference between human and physical aspects of South America and making comparisons with the UK. We will also be exploring how the land area impacts the population of the different countries. In Science, we will be making a simple circuit and explaining why a circuit isn't working. During English, we will be revisiting our understanding of passive voice and active voice and looking for ways to use these in our writing.