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- This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 3rd Febru...
This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 3rd February
Week beginning: 3rd February
This week in nursery our theme will be Weather, each day the children will be observing the weather and making a weather diary so at the end of the week they can see if our weather has changed.
They will also be collecting water in a bucket and observing how much it has rained over the last few days…….let’s hope it doesn’t overflow!
This week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and focus on The story of the Great Race where the first 12 animals would be rewarded by having a year named after them. This year is the year of the snake. Children will be making Chinese lanterns, making dragons and sampling chinese foods. In maths our focus is addition, using numbers bonds from 6 and 10 and using numbers to 20 for higher ability children. Please continue to read every day with your child. It is making such a difference to their reading and writing.
Year 1
This week, in Year 1, in English we will be reading the story of Katie in Scotland, linked to our Geography topic and writing a thank you letter to Nessie. We are focusing on the conjunction 'because'. In Maths, we will be investigating capacity. We will also be comparing the weight of different objects to find out which object is heaviest and which is the lightest.
Please remember your child's reading record needs to be in school every day, signed by an adult. Phonic books will be changed on Thursday. PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Year 2
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we are learning about the features of explanation texts, using subheadings to group our paragraphs together. In maths, we are finding fractions of amounts and comparing pictorial fractions with different denominators.,
In science, we are using our learning of how rocks are formed to create our own igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and in geography, we are looking at the features of Germany, their culture, climate and physical characteristics.
Year 4
In year 4 this week our DT project is finally ready to go ahead. If you have not yet sent your child in with a cereal sized box, please do so on Monday morning. We had a busy week of testing last week, and the children did fantastically. Please keep up the focus on times tables and reading. Thank you.
Year 5
In English, we are continuing our book 'Swimming with Sharks'. This week, we will be looking at biographies and writing our own on the life of Euginie Clark, whom the story is based on. We will also be writing a fun descriptive piece on hunting sharks!
In Maths, Miss Gillies' group are starting fractions again, looking again at adding and subtracting fractions with the different denominators and then starting to multiply with fractions. Mrs Gold's group will be continuing their work on calculation.
Year 6
This week, we will be completing our SATs Reading paper. This will be on Tuesday morning and will last for 1 hour. This week, we will be starting our DT project, which is linked to our science work on electricity. In Geography, we will be carrying out an in depth study of a South American country and creating a fact sheet about it. In SPaG, we will be looking at the differences between standard and non-standard English and to identify different word classes.