This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 10th February


Week beginning: 10th February


This week in Nursery we will be continuing to look at different types of weather and continuing to make a weather diary so we can compare both weeks.

The children will have the opportunity to go on a nature walk and  identifying patterns in our outside environment.


Our last week of the half term we shall be continuing to celebrate Chinese New Year. The children will be sampling Chinese foods using chopsticks and taking part in Chinese Dragon dancing.

In maths the children will continue to add two numbers together to find the whole amount and use their skills to record their answers. Please continue to read every day with your child.

Year 1

This week, in maths, Year 1 will be learning about shapes and their properties.  In English, we will be reading the story of Coming to England by Floella Benjamin and will be writing a persuasive letter.   PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please make sure your child's phonics pack is in on Thursday and their reading record should be in school, signed by an adult, everyday.  Thank you.

Year 2

Year 2 will be moving on to shapes in maths. In English, we will be looking at how we can improve our sentences. In Geography, we will be looking at the physical and human features of the UK and Australia.

Year 3

This week in Year 3, we are creating light boxes in DT which we will test and evaluate carefully. In English, we will be using speech punctuation and considering our use of speech verbs. We are continuing with our work around fractions and will be moving on to statistics. 

Year 4

What a great week!  DT went really well - thank you for all of the boxes!  We are looking forward to parents' evenings with week and getting a chance to chat with you about progress.  

Year 5

This week, we are finishing our work on ‘Swimming with Sharks’ by writing an exciting shark hunt piece and we will be doing a little bit of work on speech punctuation. 

In Maths, Miss Gillies’ group are continuing our work on fractions and doing a short unit on angles. Ms Gold and Ms Adam's group will be looking at short division.

We hope you have a lovely half term break. 

Year 6

This week, we will be completing our topic in science on electricity by looking at ways that we can use renewable energy and making comparisons with fossil fuels. In geography, we will be answering our key question on 'Where in the World you would rather live'.  we will be using our knowledge of the UK and South America to help make our decisions. In writing, we are starting a new unit of work on writing both positive and negative reviews - with the first review being on our English lessons!