This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 24th February


Week beginning: 24th February


This half term our theme will be Tell me a story.....looking at traditional and  alternative stories. We will be starting off with "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears" and as always we will be encouraging the children to join in with the story to further develop their self expression. In maths we will be looking at mathematical language for comparison.


Welcome back, we hope you had some good quality family time. This week we shall be learning about dinosaurs, the benefits of this is that it promotes curiosity and exploration as well promoting a love of nature and the environment. 

In maths we will continue work on adding two digits together using resources as support. Please continue to read with your child as they move into new phonic grouping. We are really seeing the effects of your support.

Year 1

We hope you had a lovely break.

In Maths, Year 1 will be consolidating their calculation skills, using the methods previously taught.  In English, we will be reading the Storm Whale and writing a story S using main clauses.  

PE days will be Monday and Tuesday.  

Reading Records should be in school everyday so please remember to sign your child's reading record every day and bring in the phonics packs every Thursday.  Thank  you for your continued support.

Year 2

In Year 2 we will be looking at poetry. We will identify descriptive language in a poem, and then we will think of our own and use these to write our own poems.

In Maths we will be looking at place value - how many tens and ones in a number.

Year 3

This week in Year 3, we are looking at statistics and reading pictograms to interpret information. In English, we will be using powerful vocabulary for description our organising our ideas into paragraphs. We are looking forward to starting our new science and history topics, Plants and The Stone Age. 

Year 4

Welcome back!  We hope you've had a lovely break and are as excited as us about this half term.  Romans!  Teeth!  Christianity!  Painting!  We've got a lot to pack in before our trip to the church for Easter.  We are planning a WOW day about the Romans for the end of half term - so watch this space for more details.  Remember times tables and reading are our main foci at the moment so anything you can do to encourage or support the children in this would be fantastic, and feel free to pop us an email if you'd like some ideas on how to help.

Year 5

Welcome back Year 5. We hope you had a restful week and are ready to start another busy term. 

In English, we are starting a new book called, 'There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom'. In our first week, we are going to be doing many reading based activities to understand the main characters better. 

For Maths, Miss Gillies group are finishing their work on angles and then starting to look at place value, including prime numbers and square/cube numbers. In Mrs Gold/Mrs Adam's group, we will be revisiting place value and finding calculating with angles.

Year 6

This week, we will be starting our new topic in science. This is all around the subject of evolution. In our first lesson, we will be identifying how plants have evolved and adapted to suit their environment. In RE, we will be looking at ways that the different faiths identify suffering.  During our SPaG sessions, we will be looking at how to write in the past and present progressive and the present perfect form.