This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 3rd March


Week beginning: 3rd March


As Tuesday will be Shove Tuesday the children will have the opportunity to use their senses tasting pancakes with a little lemon and sugar and describe how it tastes.

Our story of the week will be “The Big Pancake” and in maths we will be looking at size order and exploring 2D and 3D shapes.


We have a very busy week in Reception Class. Our topic on dinosaurs will continue as we look at their habitat, and how they lived on earth. 

Monday we have a visit from the dental team who will be coming in the talk to the children about oral hygiene and healthy eating. Tuesday, unless there is a call out, we will be expecting a visit from the Fire Services who again will talk to the children about how we keep safe.

In maths we shall be consolidating addition by using quantity and objects to find the total. Please ensure you read daily with your child and return all book bags by Wednesday of the following week.

Year 1

This week Year 1 is consolidating our learning of adding and subtracting using number lines, we will also be solving word problems.

In English we are starting the story of The Lonely Beast, we will be using questions and verbs in our writing.

PE Days are Monday and Tuesday, please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE kit.

Please also make sure that you are reading with your child every day and are signing their reading record, as this is checked everyday. 

Phonics books are due into school every Thursday to be changed. 

Year 2

In English, we are still going to look at the different features of a poem. We are going to use descriptive language to write our own poems.

In Maths, we are going to add and subtract using the expanded column method.

On Friday, it will be our World Book day celebration.

Year 3

This week in Year 3, we are using our imaginations to continue a narrative based on our new class book, The Caveman Next Door. In maths we are focusing on calculation using all four operations. We will be using mental as well as formal written strategies to solve a variety of problems. In Science, we are looking at the parts of a plant and investigating their functions and we will be beginning to learn about the stone age in history. 

Year 4

Well what a fantastic first week back we had in year 4!  The children have been very focused and done some great learning.  Please can those children who have not brought back their book from St Paul's Cray Library do so, in order that we can return them - thank you.  We've launched our new topics now in R.E. science and history, maybe ask your children what they have learned so far.  Some parents asked at parents evening about ways to help encourage the children to read; if you have time, you can side and read a page each, let them choose if they or you are going first.  You can also spend some time reading to them, just for the fun of it, until they are ready to join in.  Alternatively, you could get them to point along to the words while you read, so you can see they are following where you're at.  

Year 5

Year 5 will be continuing our unit of work on 'There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom'. The children have been great at discussing the characters' thoughts and feelings recently so we are looking forward to continuing this. 

In Maths, we are exploring calculation again. Miss Gillies' group will be progressing onto multiplying with decimal numbers. 

Year 6

This week, we will be looking at how different mammals, such as polars and camels have adapted to survive in their environment. In art, we will be looking at the styles of different artists and the techniques involved. During our English lessons, we will be looking at writing blogs based on the South American countries we wrote travel brochures for. We will be using informal writing and looking at the different punctuation we can use for effect.