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This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 10th March
Week beginning: 10th March
This week in nursery we will be reading the classic fairytale called “Hansel and Gretel” leading on from this we will be discussing feelings and how to keep safe.
For maths we will be learning mathematical language, informal language I.e round like a ball and pointy like a witches hat.
As we are approaching Spring we will be exploring plants and life cycles in the first half of the week, then as we eagerly await the arrival of our duck eggs we will be exploring the life cycle of a duck. The children will have the opportunity over the next few weeks to observe how the ducks hatch from the eggs and grows into ducklings.
In maths we will be looking at subtraction of one digit number from another using manipulates. Please remember to return your child’s reading folders every Wednesday so we may change them. Thank you for your support.
Year 1
This week, in Maths, we will be learning to tell the to o'clock and half past and halving shapes and numbers. In English, Year 1 will be writing a diary about the Lonely Beast's adventures, using adjectives and verbs. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every day. Phonics books need to be in on Thursday. PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays.
Your child is bringing home an Easter Egg competition sheet organised by the PTA. If your child would like to enter, please send them back to class by 4th April. Thank you.
Year 2
In English, we are going to look at how to use commas in a list. Towards the end of the week, we are going to look at the book 'We are going to find the monster!' We will plan and rewrite the story using capital letters, end marks, conjunctions and noun phrases to describe where they went to find the monster.
In Maths, we are going to recognise, find and name fractions.
In History, we will be looking at Mary Seacole, as our topic is Nurses in the past and present.
On Friday, 14th March it will be Wellbeing Day.
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we are using our descriptive writing skills to continue a narrative. In maths, our focus is multiplication and division. We will be using our times table knowledge to solve a number of real life problems and using the inverse operation to ensure our answers make sense. On Monday, we will be learning about the stone age during our WOW day where we will taking a lot of our learning outside!
Year 4
Well between book fairs, and world book day, it's been a busy week in year 4. But as there's no rest for the Wizard of Oz so this week we're looking forward to both Science and Well being day! Thank you to everyone who has brought back their St Paul's Cray library book. We have an ongoing investigation class about what drinks rot teeth...the conclusion is this week and from experience we know it's going to be a stinky one.
Year 5
In English this week, we will be looking at formal styles of writing and using our relative clause knowledge to extend our formal sentences. This will link to our class book 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom' and our trip to Matilda.
For Maths, Mrs Gold's group, will be looking at 2 step problems and revisiting 2dig x 2dig multiplication. Miss Gillies' group will be starting long division.
Year 6
This week in year six, we will be starting our new text - The Watertower. Our first task will be to make a prediction on what the story is about based on the evidence on the front cover. We will be developing our use of descriptive language by describing a setting and a character. In science, we will be exploring traits that we have inherited from our parents as well as characteristics. Friday is Well Being day and one of our activities is a First Aid session on dealing with head injuries.