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This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 17th March
Week beginning: 17th March
This week in nursery our theme will be pets/vets as a few of the children have shown great imaginary play around this theme.
They will be learning about the roll of a vet and how to care for different pets, if you have a pet at home why not upload a photo onto tapestry so your child can share their experiences with the class.
Our story of the week is “I want a pet” by Lauren Child.
In maths we will be continuing with mathematical language and describing properties.
This week in Reception Class we shall continue our topic on life cycles. Our duck eggs will arrive on Monday and we will be observing and eagerly awaiting the new ducklings' arrival . We currently have frogspawn and have noticed changes already from frogspawn to froglets. Our focus on maths is subtraction using manipulatives.
Please ensure you read every day with your child and return all book bags every Wednesday.
Year 1
This week, in Maths, Year 1 will be identifying the operation and adding and subtracting single and double digit numbers within 30, using the method of their choice. In English, the children will be learning about acrostic poems and writing their own acrostic poem about an animal or sea creature. PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to sign your child's Reading Record every day. Phonics books will be changed on Thursday. Thank you for your continued support.
Year 2
In English, we are going to write a recount of the story 'We are going to find the monster', using capital letters, conjunctions (and, because, when, if, so) and expanded noun phrases (deep, dark jungle) to make our writing more interesting.
In Maths, we are going to read scales accurately.
In Science, we are going to look at the life cycle of a plant.
Year 3
This week in year 3 we will be continuing our learning about the Stone Age, investigating the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae. It's test week in maths where we will be showing off how much we have learnt so far this year. In English we will be continuing our work on The Caveman Next Door and using drama to get in role as a character.
Year 4
Another busy week is done. Wellbeing / Science day was packed full of activities for the children and the big reveal of our week long science investigation was very exciting! This week should be back to normal, with focus on our topics of teeth, Romans and, in R.E, forgiveness. We are ramping up our times tables practices so please make sure children are on TTRS every night or practicing another way...really we want TTRS because we need to beat the other classes in the competition. We're looking forward to a productive week.
Year 5
It's NTS week! This means our children will be having a go at some reading and maths tests to see what they have learnt and what we need to work on. In English, we will be continuing our work on relative clauses, conjunctions and formal language by writing news style reports based around our class book, 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom'. While our maths will focus on column multiplication and short division in Mrs Gold/Mrs Adam's class and long division in Miss Gillies'.
Year 6
This week, we will be continuing our story - The Watertower. We will be exploring how to advance the action through speech and using the correct punctuation. In science, we will be investigating fossils and how they are formed.